Upcoming Workshops
Iyengar Yoga Institute, NYC
Sunday April 27th, 2pm - 4pm, Level II and up
Benefit Workshop ‘Spring Is In The Air’
Find ‘spring’ in the soles of the feet and in the palm of the hands. Learn to create lightness with jumping and upward mobility in inversions
Jaipure Yoga Montclair NY
Saturday May 31, 2 - 4pm, Level II and up
Workshop ‘Hip Ability’
A study of the Eka Pada Raja Kapotasanas. How to embrace stability and flexibility as equal partners while practicing this group of demanding asanas.
Registration: https://jaipureyoga.com/events/
Early bird pricing until May 1: UK£135 (US$170), after May 1: UK£165 (US$210)
Book your place on the Timetable page of the Yoga Now website:
Scroll forward to May 1 to find the Early Bird booking link.
Non-UK residents will have to create an account, (required by British law)
Monthly Saturday Workshop
Level III
We will prepare for the inversions as well as for variations in the inversions and apply them stage by stage.
Not advised for: menses, eye/neck injuries. If you want to participate, the student should know how to safely modify for their specific issue. Please email if you have questions.
Sign up HERE
Monthly Saturday Workshops
The following Saturday Workshops are offered each month in 2022 at 9-11am ET :
December 17
72-hour recording included (for ONLINE workshops only)
Monthly Saturday Workshop: Repetition, Purpose & Surrender
Level III and up. We will practice a sequence of asanas that allow the mind to be diffused all over the body.
$35, 72 hr recording included.
* You must sign up before the workshop to receive recording
Sign up now
photo: Waterfall at Glen Span Arch, Central Park NYC
Abdominal Asanas
Abdominal Asanas
(Udara Akunchana Sthiti)
In the Iyengar Yoga method, asanas that directly act on the strength/toning of the abdomen are gradually learned. First and foremost the organs of action esp. arms and legs must be applied and understood in asana, esp. though mastery of the standing poses and the basic inversions. In this workshop we gradually move towards integration of the abdomen in more complex asanas.
Level III & up. $35
72-hour recording included
* You must sign up before the workshop to receive recording
Revolving Asanas
In this workshop we will study twisting actions, including binding and arm balancing.
Sign up here
Early Summer Retreat Weekend at Heathen Hill
This workshop is now SOLD OUT
Location: Heathen Hill, Franklin, NY. 2 nights lodging, organic food and beautiful nature. This is an all inclusive retreat.
Date: June 3-5 . Arrival Friday: restorative session followed by dinner. Saturday AM & PM classes, Sunday AM class followed by brunch.
Registration: You can email Lip susanliporem@gmail.com to check the availability of your choice before sending the registration form and payment. If you check out the website and still have questions, give her a call. 607 829 5328. The registration form for the Summer Retreat is available on the site www.heathenhillyoga.net. You need to choose your room before you register. There are pictures on the website. Info about each house is there also.
Annual Spring Retreat Weekend in Rhinebeck
Location: Clear Yoga Studio in Rhinebeck, NY. (fully outfitted Iyengar yoga studio).
Date: April 30/May 1 Saturday: 1-3pm and 4-5.15pm. Sunday 10am-1pm.
Registration $185 per person. Non Refundable unless there is a wait list (or if the pandemic imposes restrictions). Maximum 20 students. Sign up by emailing/paying Lucienne directly to secure your spot. Reserve your overnight stay for those who are coming from afar as historic Rhinebeck gets booked up fairly quickly.

Online Benefit for SOUK
Lucienne teaches an online benefit class for SOUK, Rima Rabbath’s brand new studio. Rima and her team worked very hard for many months to finally bring about a beautiful new home for yoga in NYC. To celebrate this happy event we shall wholeheartedly support SOUK, (and Rima who has been studying with us online and in person at Studio Spine). SOUK is scheduled to open on Jan 15th. Let’s come together as a community.
Suggested minimum donation $30
Registration: soukstudio.com
Wednesday Jan 5, 8.30am - 10am
If you cannot make it, please sponsor someone by giving this class as a gift.
SOUK - 12 West 27th Street (near Broadway), 2nd Floor New York NY 10001
INT/ADV In Person Class Soho, NYC
Location: Lululemon Loft Soho. 520 Broadway at Spring St, NYC
Date: Wednesday November 10, 12.30pm-2pm
Registration Cost: $30/$27 (Venmo, PayPal (Pay A Friend), or Apple Pay directly to Lucienne. Your spot is confirmed only upon payment. Payment non-refundable,.
Covid Requirements: proof of vaccination, MASKS REQUIRED. You can bring your own mat and a long strap.
All Day In-Person Workshop Dec 5
Location: Clear Yoga, Rhinebeck, NY
Dates: Sunday November 7 and Sunday December 5 in a fully outfitted Iyengar Yoga studio. 10am-noon and 1.30-3.30pm
Registration Cost: $150 (Venmo, PayPal (Pay A Friend), or Apple Pay directly to Lucienne. Your spot is confirmed only upon payment. Payment non-refundable, if there is a wait list and we can fill your place you will receive a full refund. Please send an email to inperson@studiospine.com
Covid Requirements: proof of vaccination, MASK WEARING STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. You can bring your own mat.
Registration is Closed.
‘The long and the short of it’
Location: online benefit workshop for the Iyengar Yoga Institute, NYC
Learn how to use the versatile yoga belt - both the long one (8ft) and the short one (6ft) to open up new dimensions in a variety of postures.
(you can put 2 short belts together if you don’t have a long belt, and use a towel or so as a second /shorter belt). Registration: www.iyengarnyc.org
In-Person Yoga Weekend in East Hampton, NY.
Location: The Body Shop Yoga Studio, 26 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY.
Dates: Saturday Oct 2: 1-4pm and Sunday Oct 3: 9am-10.30am
This is a great time to come to the coast in the "after season" while the weather is still beautiful for walks on the beach etc. and with less traffic! Various students of Studio Spine live around the area and are willing to help organize, or offer a room for someone to stay overnight Sat/Sun at their home. Let us know if you need a room. There will be a complimentary communal vegetarian dinner hosted at Kate’s at 6 pm on Saturday (please email lucienne@studiospine.com if you are coming to make sure that we have enough food for everyone)
Join us for a complimentary picnic brunch on the beach after Sunday class (weather permitting)
Transportation: The studio is 8 min walking distance from the train station. Bus from NYC: Jitney or other luxury liners (early booking, cheaper prices)
Covid Requirements: proof of vaccination, surgical (light weight) masks during class until further notice , 60% attendance ratio to room capacity , practicing cleanliness. Bring your own blankets and mat.
Now Full
The Fixtures
Photo: M. Berglund
Invigorating arm balance practice for the whole body, especially the wrists/shoulders/abdomen. Perfect for a summer morning!
Perform various asanas for levitation. Chair/blocks/bolster will be useful.

Practice the Sequence
Photo: Tri Luu
Lucienne will lead you through a sequence of asanas in a way that the sequence itself leads to the path inwards. There will be less focus on point to point instruction but more focus on how each asana opens the door for the next. It is not vinyasa in terms of flow practice, but in terms of how sequencing, timing and alignment can be experienced with an uninterrupted flow of attention.

Hand to Mouth
Photo: Bruce Nauman ‘Hand to Mouth’ 1967
In this workshop we look at how our hands/action and language/tongue correlate. We will study this in various ways through asana, pranayam kriya and gestures.