Purchase classes below
Monday 8.30am -10am Level II/III - The Structural Body livestream
Wednesday 8.30am -10am Level II/III - The Side Body livestream
Friday 8.30 -10am Level II/III - The Hips livestream
Saturday 9am -11am Monthly Workshop Level III livestream see Workshops

Monday The Structural Body

Tuesday Level II and up IN PERSON

Wednesday The Lateral Class ONLINE

Friday Hip Openings Class ONLINE
Level II Classes are for everyone except those new to yoga.
Other classes are at Intermediate Level II/III unless otherwise noted.
Fee Structure
1 livestream class per week - $25
2 livestream classes per week - $45
3 livestream classes per week - $55 (if scheduled within the same week)
24 hr recording - $21 (for students who study regularly with Lucienne)
workshops - $50 (including 1 Week recording)
Sign up per day, or week (ie: Mon-Sat)
No credits carried over to the next week.
No same day cancellation refunds.
When signing up for the online classes
you acknowledge that you have read and
agree with the online class waiver.